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Sputnik: Turning things around

Associated Press (AP) was initially drawn to Tower Bridge TV Studios for the spectacular vistas, but soon found that the technical equipment and services on offer from Trickbox TV were even more valuable.

“We first used the studio for the Keiser Report [link to that story] which makes full use of the Tower Bridge view,” says Vicky Cleaver, Global Media Services, AP. “The service we received from Trickbox TV confirmed that we had made the right decision, so when we needed a venue for another show it was the obvious choice.”

Sputnik: Orbiting the world with George Galloway is a weekly political chat show series for Russia Today that looks behind the stories that made the news, as well as unearthing the ones that didn’t. The show attracts authoritative, influential and informed guests to debate and discuss the week’s issues with George Galloway, one of the longest serving and perhaps one of the most controversial MPs, while co-host Gayatri Pertiwi brings vox pops opinions and social media comments from viewers and people on the street. 

The production team decided not to use the studio’s picture windows, but to turn the cameras around and opt for a simply dressed set, including a Chesterfield sofa, to create a more intimate, cosy, chat-show feel.

“While the London location is a great visual pointer for the Keiser Report, it wasn’t so important for Sputnik and the set gives the show its own individual style,” says Vicky. What remained important was the smooth running of the technical services.

“The equipment on site is always ready to go and does what we need it to do, the Trickbox team has everything covered,” Vicky continues. “There are never any worries that something won’t work, but if the worst should happen it’s very comforting to know that they are on site and ready with a calm manner to do whatever is needed.”

 “The service we received from Trickbox TV confirmed that we had made the right decision.”

Vicky Cleaver, Global Media Services, AP